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About HuckleBerry Play

HuckleBerry Play is proud to announce our brand new Indoor Playground located in Morris Plains, New Jersey. The fun and exciting facility is a large open space where we are committed to providing a warm, nurturing, safe and stimulating environment for children to play, learn, grow and have fun. Our eco-friendly play areas are regularly sanitized along with all of our outstanding play equipment. Our top-notch internal video surveillance systems provide security and safety for all our guests. Our facility boasts a total of 15,000 square feet as our playground and play areas have an abundance of play equipment promoting imaginative and cooperative play that is guaranteed to hold the interest of the entire family!

The soft play area is specifically designed for the excitement of our youngest visitors. This is a padded area exclusively for our crawling and toddling children where they can safely explore and play. Across the way is a fantastic market station, as well as our dress-up play station, both of which are ideal to spark young children’s imagination with creative play. Our dedicated Lego stations are sure to be a hit with children and adults of all ages to develop their fine motor and building skills. Our space also features a designated area for ‘Just Dance’ that will allow kids to tap into their inner dancer to jive and groove to their favorite tunes!

Huckle Berry child cafe area

Anyone Can Have Fun With Us

For our older visitors, there are plenty of outstanding activities to keep them happy. Our interactive art wall where children’s artistic creations come to life provides fun and memorable experiences that aim to please.

Our open layout makes for a perfect space to house our incredible jungle gym complete with a zip line, multiple slides, humongous ball pit, and climbing obstacles with lights and music. Our playground is complete with areas promoting fun and learning through jumping, climbing, sliding, running and practicing balance skills. This area is ideal for most ages and allows for some great family fun together.

The cost for the use of all of the equipment and activities in our Indoor Playground is included in the price of admission so there will be no quarters or tokens to fumble with. Remember to bring your socks because the Indoor Playground is a shoe free environment!

Call to Book Your Party Today!