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Friendly Reminder: We kindly ask that you do not bring outside food or drinks except birthday cakes or cupcakes. Should someone in your party have dietary restrictions or allergies, please let us know and we will work with you to accommodate your guest(s).

The choices below are full tray options only. Our caterer cannot accommodate half tray requests. All choices besides the pizza pie, sandwich and wrap tray options serve 25-30 people.

Note: Customer favorites and highly recommended choices are indicated with the (*)

* Cheese Pizza

  • cut into 16 slices
Vegan Pizza
Specialty Pie (Hawaiian, Chicken Parm, Veggies, Margarita, etc.)
Sicilian Pie (Mozzarella Cheese & Tomatoes)

  • cut into 12 slices
Gluten Free Pizza 10” Personal
Additional Pizza Toppings (pepperoni, green peppers, spinach, bacon, sun dried tomatoes, mushrooms, sausage, etc.)
* Sandwich Trays (chicken, Italian, turkey, veggie, variety)

  • 20 half pieces
* Wrap Trays (chicken, Italian, turkey, veggie, variety)

  • 20 half pieces
* Buffalo Chicken Wings

  • 65 pieces
* Chicken Wings

  • 65 pieces
Chicken Tenders
Chicken Caesar Salad
* Caesar Salad
* House Salad
* Veggie Crudité Tray (carrots, cauliflower, peppers, celery, zucchini and spinach dip)
* Fruit Tray (pineapple, honeydew, strawberries, cantaloupe, grapes and homemade whipped cream dip)
Mozzarella Sticks
Fish Sticks
* Fried Calamari
* French Fries
* Penne Vodka
Macaroni and Cheese
Spaghetti and Meatballs
Korean Food
Korean chicken wings (spicy/soy)
Tray of Buns (Pork/Chicken)
Mandu (Korean fried potsticker)
Kimbap (Beef/Chicken/Vegetarian)
Korean Spicy Rice Cake (Tteok-bokki)
Cavatelli and Broccoli with Chicken
* Chicken Parmigiana or Chicken Marsala or Chicken Francese
2 Liter Bottle of Soda (coke, diet coke, sprite)
1 Liter Water (Huckleberry to provide)

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